Leading the Next Generations



Employees walk away with:
  • Learn how to maximize the critical relationship between the staff’s purpose, work environment, and metrics for success.  
  • Understand proven techniques on how to build trust between co-workers and your organization management a
  • Recognizing turnover data for the different generations and recognizing ways to engage and retain talent.
  • Understand why traditional charismatic leadership may not be nearly as effective with generations younger than Boomers. 
  • Identify tools to integrate generational values and expectations into your workplace without spending a lot of money            
  • Integrate a mission-centric culture to resonate with Millennials and Gen Z employees
  • Understand the direct relationship between Engagement and ROI and Service Metrics and how to use them to your advantage

Recognizing that turnover for younger generations is often close to 30% in the first three years, it is vital you prepare to engage and retain young talent. Participants will delve into strategies for bridging generational gaps, fostering collaboration, and creating inclusive, high-performing teams.

This program explores current data on employee retention, engagement, and trust across organizations in the US.
Mike describes how generational values differ and the impact those values have within an organization.

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