Mike will keep your audience focused and laughing throughout a 90-minute keynote presentation



Participants will leave inspired and more prepared to navigate leadership roles.

Mike presents the most current research from Pew, Deloitte, McKinsey, and others so current data can inform leadership approaches that impact change. 

According to the Center for Creative Leadership, 25% of organizations experience profit loss due to ineffective frontline leaders, but this can be prevented with the right leadership development. With new challenges from generational differences in the workplace, it is more important than ever before to engage leaders now to work with all levels of employees within the organization. Mike explains the unique needs of each generation and the “why” behind their differences. 

With over 20 years of leadership development experience, he will customize a presentation that will inspire all levels of employees from seasoned executives to new managers. 

of participants felt more confident in their leadership skills after attending one of Mike’s keynote presentations.


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