Executive Coaching

Leadership Workshops

Keynote Speaker



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Motivating and engaging presentations for your audience with short-term takeaways for long-term growth and retention. Organizations are facing a new set of challenges with five generations in the workplace today. The hidden costs of disengagement and turnover are dramatic for small businesses as well as large corporations. Make sure your managers are prepared to lead with purpose and see your organization benefit after this keynote presentation.



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  • Management University
  • Leading Today's Teams
  • Leading Change Management
  • Leading The Next Generations

Mike uses current data, case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises to equip leaders with the skills and insights needed to navigate the multigenerational landscape and inspire teams to excel in today’s business environment.



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Executive coaching is a one-on-one partnership to help leaders leverage their strengths and address their weaknesses so that their organization can flourish. Mike has worked from the ground up from stocking shelves in a warehouse to serving on the executive committee of a large international manufacturing company. His background, research, and skill set make him a relatable and reliable mentor to help executives navigate their complex roles with a partner they trust.



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